Discover a unique collection created in collaboration with Japanese calligrapher Suitou Nakatsuka, a tribute to the SENSAI tradition in Japanese culture and arts.
The iconic SENSAI lipstick, inspired by seasonal flowers so loved by all Japanese for centuries, is enriched with a touch of sparkling gold. Weight - 3.5 Gr -
Available in 3 different colours:
-NS-01 BENIBANA RED: A bright red inspired by safflower pigment.
-NS-02 HAGI PINK: A delicate pink inspired by the autumn clover of Japan
-NS-03 KEITOU BROWN: A delicious brown inspired by the feathered cockscomb.
Discover a unique collection created in collaboration with Japanese calligrapher Suitou Nakatsuka, a tribute to the SENSAI tradition in Japanese culture and arts.
The iconic SENSAI lipstick, inspired by seasonal flowers so loved by all Japanese for centuries, is enriched with a touch of sparkling gold. Weight - 3.5 Gr -
Available in 3 different colours:
-NS-01 BENIBANA RED: A bright red inspired by safflower pigment.
-NS-02 HAGI PINK: A delicate pink inspired by the autumn clover of Japan
-NS-03 KEITOU BROWN: A delicious brown inspired by the feathered cockscomb.