Harnessing the infinite power of nature, Apex connects us to the Earth and its spiritual energies-awakening instincts and capacities that lie dormant within all of us-waiting to be released.
Inspired by the animals of the world, this creation is designed to unearth the connection with the world's most powerful creatures, prompting you to challenge your own limits and open your eyes to new opportunities.

Only when you embrace your connection to nature and your inner animal instincts will you reach the pinnacle of your potential.


Bergamot, Lemon, Mandarin, Orange,

Juniper Berry, Jasmine, Pineapple,

Patchouli, Sandalwood, Cashmere Wood, Balsam Fir, Cypress, Elemi, Benzoin, Tobacco, Rhum Musk, Amber

Apex Edp - Roja Parfums

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Harnessing the infinite power of nature, Apex connects us to the Earth and its spiritual energies-awakening instincts and capacities that lie dormant within all of us-waiting to be released.
Inspired by the animals of the world, this creation is designed to unearth the connection with the world's most powerful creatures, prompting you to challenge your own limits and open your eyes to new opportunities.

Only when you embrace your connection to nature and your inner animal instincts will you reach the pinnacle of your potential.


Bergamot, Lemon, Mandarin, Orange,

Juniper Berry, Jasmine, Pineapple,

Patchouli, Sandalwood, Cashmere Wood, Balsam Fir, Cypress, Elemi, Benzoin, Tobacco, Rhum Musk, Amber